Certified Agency and scouting Company
Contractual negotiation
Nordic Starline sports group help and advice players in any representation and negotiation situation
Image and public relations are important issues. We work to build the strongest and most effective tools for the players in this field
One spot to another
Based on a wide range of club-cooperation around the world, we can advice the player to the right club
Key point
Nordic Starline Sports Group is an agency-scouting management-consulting company for professional and talented football players
What We Do

We work hard for advising the player to the Right club, Negotiate contracts, Spot talents, Giving players second chances, Opening new doors, Are you near the end of your career-take the right decision, Helping with personal and public relations, Club Corporation etc.

Our scouting team follows players and search for talents around the world. Plans, programmes and other needful information are generated in corporation with all involved parts. Our scouts work with specific schedules and report regularly to NSG headoffice.

Our agents work closely with scouts. The agents only work with mandate from the player (senior players or young talents). NSG is also in near contact with football clubs around the world, and works presenting the best material (players) and complies with the clubs requests.

Focus & Goal
Our goal is supporting on and outside the pitch. With transparency and commitment, our work is giving the best representation, advice and providing the best solutions for the players and clubs. Making conscious choices and securing peace in mind and heart is ultimate for us.

The Team
Our team is dedicated to what we do, and the team together has many years of experience in the field of football, agency-networking and talent scouting. Main focus has been in Europe, but the team are working worldwide and bringing players from one spot to another.

Legal advice
Nordic Starline (NSG) provides legal advice in cooperation with sport lawyers. If there is any issues with contracts, wages or rules from country to country, or from continent to continent our support is near at hand.